woensdag 10 november 2010

Dalai Lama quotes and meditation for kids...

zondag 26 september 2010

The influence of Buddhism on World History

The influence of Buddha on world history can hardly be over estimated. His teachings and organization influenced religion and philosophy in China, it reached as far as Japan. It impacted art, culture and architecture in Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, Sri Lanka - the whole of Southern Asia in short.
There's no denying that Buddhism itself changed in each of these places. In fact, Buddhism has been hailed as one of the most adaptable religions. It changes with every place it lands in. Who knows how it will change in the West, and how we will be changed by it...

Read the whole story: http://hubpages.com/hub/influence-Buddha-World-History

zaterdag 25 september 2010

Buddha busts, statues, sculpture and figures

Buddha figures are everywhere. Buddha heads have become a fashion statement. Buddha statues, really just the next way to show off your spiritual inclination. I've found you Buddha figures and heads for your home. Some in classic style, some more modern.

Buddha is usually depicted in paintings and sculpture with long ear lobes that signifies that Buddha is able to listen to the sorrow of the people and the bump on his head represents enlightenment. Some Buddha statues have a sort of aura around the head, like in Christianity, it represents his purity.

Brass Buddha statues and figures have been made in India since the 8th century. Until the 13th century Buddhism was widespread in India and it was natural that Indian artisans would make Buddha statues with brass, the popular metal of the times.

zaterdag 18 september 2010

Zen Buddhist Planners and Date Books

The best planners and agenda books featuring Zen Buddhist inspiration.

woensdag 25 augustus 2010

Buddha jewelry, earrings and pendants

It's perhaps become too often seen: the image of Buddha is everywhere. I even saw a picture of Buddha-shaped containers somewhere online. Still, these Buddha-shaped pendants and earrings are pretty as well as inspiring. One of the easiest ways of saying to those in your life - without words - that you're into spirituality.

For instance a Large Sterling Silver Buddha Chakra Stone Pendant

zondag 8 augustus 2010

Best Buddhist T-shirts

Let's be clear: for a Buddhist, there can never be too many Buddhist shirts. Can there? I don't think so. I've found you a whole bunch - from two sources.
First Amazon: where sizes and colors are for the choosing. Generally the sizes there go from small to extra large.
Second Cafepress, where sizes go from small to XXL. Cafepress too makes it easy to pick just the right shirt by giving you plenty of choice about sizes and colors. The prints can usually be applied to adult shirts (women and men) but also jumpers and such for babies.

donderdag 27 mei 2010

Buddha quotes on karma

These quotes are the closest we can get to the Buddha: they’re from the Tipitaka, the ancient Pali Buddhist scriptures. Katinka has replaced the Pali ‘kamma’ with the more common Sanskrit ‘Karma’. The two words mean the same thing.

zaterdag 8 mei 2010

Best Buddhism and Buddha bags

Cute and beautiful bags inspired by the wisdom of the Buddha and Buddhism. Like the Buddha bag on the right, which refers to the doctrine of karma as it says ‘What we think we become’.
The lotus shown is a symbol of spiritual attainment as it grows out of the mud (the dirt of everyday life) towards the sun (symbol of truth and love). Orange, red and yellow are the traditional colors Buddhist monks and nuns have dressed in for centuries.

vrijdag 7 mei 2010

Best books on Buddhism

These are the best selling books on Buddhism today.

The top 3 Buddhist Books

Buddhism Plain and Simple
You might want to digest this book slowly, a few pages at a time. Although Zen teacher Steve Hagen has a knack for putting the philosophy of Buddhism in a "plain and simple" package, it may take a while to sink in. There is so much there. Seeing reality, realizing the wisdom of the self, breaking free of dualistic thinking--this is pretty heady stuff. Thankfully, Hagen passes it along in the form of examples from life, psychological tidbits, and stories from Buddhist teachers past and present. And when it clicks in, it can be life-transforming. Hagen explains this shift in outlook and how the fundamental way we look at the world affects everything we do. As an outline, Hagen follows the basic teachings of the Buddha, and we see that, rather than dogmatic truths, they are reminders for us as we reconsider the life we have taken for granted for so long. As it turns out, Buddhism is life, plain and simple. --Brian Bruya
Price: $6.15
List Price: $10.95
The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching
What should we think when on the one hand Buddhism tells us that life is suffering and on the other we are told to enjoy life's every moment? Loved around the world for his simple, straightforward explanations of Buddhism, Thich Nhat Hanh has finally turned his hand to the very core of Buddhism and conundrums such as this. In the traditional way, Thich Nhat Hanh takes up the core teachings one by one--the Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path, the Twelve Links of Interdependent Co-Arising--but his approach is as fresh as a soft breeze through a plum orchard. For illustration, he dips into the vast stores of Buddhist literature right alongside contemporary anecdotes, pointing out subtleties that can get glossed over in other popular introductions. He also includes three short but key sutras, essential source teachings from which all Buddhism flows. Studying the basics of Buddhism under Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh is like learning basketball from Michael Jordan. --Brian Bruya
Price: $8.57
List Price: $14.95
Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life
Thich Nhat Hanh's writing is deceptive in its subtlety. He'll go on and on with stories about tree-hugging or metaphors involving raw potatoes; he'll tell you how to eat mindfully, even how to breathe and walk; he'll suggest looking closely at a flower and to see the sun as your heart. As the Zen teacher Richard Baker commented, however, Nhat Hanh is "a cross between a cloud, a snail, and piece of heavy machinery." Sooner or later, it begins to sink in that Nhat Hanh is conveying a depth of psychology and a world outlook that require nothing less than a complete paradigm shift. Through his cute stories and compassionate admonitions, he gradually builds up to his philosophy of interbeing, the notion that none of us is separately, but rather that we inter-are. The ramifications are explosive. How can we mindlessly and selfishly pursue our individual ends, when we are inextricably bound up with everyone and everything else? We see an enemy not as focus of anger but as a human with a complex history, who could be us if we had the same history. Suffice it to say, that after reading Peace Is Every Step, you'll never look at a plastic bag the same way again, and you may even develop a penchant for hugging trees. --Brian Bruya
Price: $6.95
List Price: $15.00

dinsdag 2 maart 2010

How do Buddhists live? Buddhist lifestyle

Buddhists live all over the world. They live in all kinds of ways, so there is no simple all encompassing answer to the question how Buddhists live.
Still, there are a few things to take into account:
  1. Real Buddhists have taken refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha
  2. Many Buddhists meditate (though traditionally this was only done by a few monks)
  3. Buddhists will often vow to take on the Five Vows – pancha sila – either on religious holidays or throughout their life.
  4. Many Buddhists are vegetarians
  5. Buddhists often have rituals dedicated to the Buddha: puja rituals.