Best Dalai Lama Quotes Posters
- I've found you Dalai Lama Posters featuring him and an inspiring quote, as well as simply great picture of him that you can get framed. The Dalai Lama is probably the most respected political leader in the world. He's also one of the most popular sp...
Best Books by Alexandra David-Neel
- Best known for her visit to Tibet, when it was closed to foreigners, Alexandra David-Neels books are travel journals mixed with spiritual insight. She helped foster the image of Tibet as a sacred place, while also making it clear that it was a real l...
Best spiritual fiction
- I love spiritual fiction: the best in the genre combines a heart warming story with a spiritual quest. The hero, or heroin, is usually a bit odd, but recognizable. The story makes you look inward, to see how you would act in their place. This page s...
Meditation books for kids
- Can children learn about meditation? Sure they can! The books on this page are meant for pre-school children and kids in primary school. They make meditation and spirituality fun. It's not a good idea to make it all too heavy for them: you don't want...
Buddhists live all over the world. They live in all kinds of ways, so there is no simple all encompassing answer to the question how Buddhists live.
Still, there are a few things to take into account:
Still, there are a few things to take into account:
- Real Buddhists have taken refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha
- Many Buddhists meditate (though traditionally this was only done by a few monks)
- Buddhists will often vow to take on the Five Vows – pancha sila – either on religious holidays or throughout their life.
- Many Buddhists are vegetarians
- Buddhists often have rituals dedicated to the Buddha: puja rituals.