Because mindfulness is a way of dealing with problems that does not require drugs or fancy equipment it has become quite popular among many. No surprise then that there are several calendars out there for those interested in enlightening their life through meditation or mindfulness.
The main teacher of Zen Mindfulness these days is of course Thich Nhat Hanh. His Calendars are as inspiring and calming as you would expect.
Mindfulness is really a form of Buddhism adapted to the modern lifestyle of Westerners. That is: what used to be a practice aimed at monks and nuns (and only a minority of those), is now practiced by people who aren't giving up any of life's luxuries.
Tibetan Buddhism too has brought us spiritual teachers capable of bridging the nun-laity gap: Pema Chodron for instance is very good at translating the ancient wisdom to something applicable to our modern hectic lives.
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